Introducing Safe in the Sunshine

9 Sep 2022

Exciting news!

HatResearchers at the ACRF Australian Centre of Excellence in Melanoma Imaging & Diagnosis (ACEMID) have launched a new sun safe initiative – Safe in the Sunshine.

Safe in the Sunshine aims to help Australians get the right balance of sun exposure – by providing personalised advice  to help people stay safe in the sun and check their skin for early signs of skin cancer.

The initiative will focus on skin cancer prevention and early detection. As part of this, our team of researchers will provide evidence-based, easy to read information on skin cancer related topics. Examples include sun protection, vitamin D, and ultraviolet radiation, as well as a useful how-to guide on performing a skin self-examination at home.

Check out the Safe in the Sunshine website for more information.

Be sure to also follow @safeinthesunshine on Instagram and Facebook, for bite-sized facts on skin cancer prevention and early detection.
