ACEMID cohort study commences in regional NSW at Pinnacle Dermatology in Orange

13 May 2024

Pinnacle Dermatology in Orange is the proud new recipient of a 3D total-body imaging machine, as part of the ACRF ACEMID Cohort Study. Orange is the second ACEMID regional site located in NSW. The introduction of this technology marks a significant milestone for clinicians and The University of Sydney’s Rural Clinical School in the Orange/Dubbo region, with their ongoing efforts to stay at the forefront of medical advancements, ensuring residents of Orange and the surrounding areas have access to innovative technology, research and clinical trials.

While ACEMID has enrolled over 1500 participants in NSW already, these are from metropolitan areas and the Orange site is vital to allow people all over the state to participate in our studies.

On Friday 3rd May, the official opening was held where Professor Pablo Fernandez-Penas opened the site. MP Andrew Gee, the Federal Member for Calare attended the launch. Thanks to Drs Michelle McRae, Doug Lenton and the team at Pinnacle Dermatology for hosting this important trial.

Participants interested in completing the study in Orange, and having their spots and moles tracked over time, can register their interest here

For further enquires, please email 
