Join us at the next ACEMID Community Forum

16 Nov 2022

In this community forum, our researchers will provide an update on the progress of the ACEMID 3D total-body photography cohort study. We will also share an update on Australia's prospects for a National Targeted Melanoma Screening Program, including:

  • AudienceWhat our vision for a melanoma screening program looks like
  • A step-by-step guide of our envisioned screening pathway
  • New technologies we could incorporate in the future

Date: Thursday 24 November, 2022

Time: 9.30am to 11:30am AEST (includes morning tea for in-person attendees)

Location: Translational Research Institute, Seminar Room 2003, 37 Kent Street, Woolloongabba, 4102, Brisbane (In-person), and online (via Zoom)

Register Your Attendance
