3D imaging machines a melanoma game-changer

24 Nov 2020

UQ Dermatology Research Centre Director Professor Peter Soyer recently appeared on Channel 7's The House of Wellness to discuss the early detection of melanoma with 3D whole body imaging machines with host Jo Stanley.

Professor Soyer said the machines were a significant game-changer.

“As you have seen, you walk in and your total body is imaged and this will allow us to really detect a potential melanoma much, much earlier," he said.

The 3D imaging system takes a total body image in milliseconds, significantly improving lesion identification and tracking.

“We have 92 Canon cameras which are basically shooting all within a second. And the images that we build up create an avatar of your body, with the whole body surface.

We can then zoom in and have a very great view of all your moles and all your blemishes and all your skin lesions," Professor Soyer said.

The machines are currently being used for research and high-risk patients, but an Australian Cancer Research Foundation (ACRF) grant of $10 million will allow the installation of a host of new 3D whole body imaging machines across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.

“With this new grant from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation, we will very soon have 15 machines across the Eastern seaboard and probably more in the years to come.

“We are starting a melanoma cohort study where we want to record high-risk people, but also people with medium risk and low risk people and do a world-first and largest study for the detection of melanoma.”
